Producers of values

From the ground to our hands, and then to your meals. We select suppliers based on the traditional land of origin for each of our components to make our products tastier in order to complement your cuisine. We use as many as 41 species of vegetables, 85% of which are cultivated outdoors, respecting the seasonality as nature intended and favouring fresh processing to offer the Made In Italy quality that has defined us since 1872 in each jar.
We process 27 thousand tonnes of vegetables and generate over 205 million packs per year using cutting-edge technology. And each year, we push ourselves even further through product innovation, because the most rewarding success is the one we have yet to achieve. The urge to develop in response to the requirements of our Italian and international consumers, who are increasingly gravitating toward the directions characterized by our brand: taste, quality, well-being and conviviality, is in our DNA.

and food safety Quality certifications
Only by managing every stage of the manufacturing cycle with several daily checks – quality and innovation can be achieved. The care and attention we put into our work on a daily basis has gained us the most important quality certifications, including the coveted ISCC (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification), and one of our purposes is to promote sustainable energy from vegetable biomass. Sustainability is also a commitment to our customers – we have supplied top national and international distributors for over 30 years – our staff, and our families.
Being a firm with over 150 years of history entails a tremendous deal of responsibility for our consumers, customers and most importantly our staff, who work tirelessly every day to make our company even more competitive. Business ethics is an important aspect of all of our activities; every industrial process is based on values such as transparency, fairness, loyalty, and respect, which we believe are essential for long-term, responsible growth.